Is Your Child Coming To Camp?

Make their stay memorable by sending them a letter!

Please remember to send the letters at least a week in advance of their arrival. This ensures the US Postal Service has time to get the letters to us before your child arrives. Address the letters in the format shown below:

Camp Tyler Outdoor School
Camper Name
*School, Teacher
15143 Camp Tyler Road
Whitehouse, TX 75791

If you forgot to send the letters, don’t fret! You can also e-mail your camper. Please follow the format listed below to send an e-mail:

Email Address: [email protected]
Subject Line: Camper Name – School, Teacher*

Most emails are printed in black and white, so please limit photos. Every effort will be made to print and deliver email messages, however, due to limited staff and day to day workload, emails sent on the last day may not be delivered before your camper heads home.

*If sending a letter to a summer camper, please list the camp name instead of School/Teacher.

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"*" indicates required fields